AD206 VS AD207: What are the Differences and Which One Is Better?

As favorites of many Andonstar's customers, AD206 and AD207 have been difficult choices for many people since the two digital microscopes have many common points which make people confused. Today we discuss the differences and the respective advantages of AD206 and AD207 digital microscope.

As we can see from their appearance, both of AD206 and AD207 have a 7-inch LCD screen, an adjustable stand and two LED light with bracket. From inside, both of them feature 2 mega pixels HD sensor and max 30f/s frame rate. But AD206 and AD207 use different softwares, so they have different magnification, video output, image resolution, video format and focus range. 

The AD206 digital microscope has up to 200X magnification while AD207 digital microscope has up to 100X magnification. The video format of AD206 is AVI while AD207 is MOV. AD206 has three kinds of video outputs and AD207 has two.The focus range of AD206 is 2cm-17cm and the one of AD207 is 6cm-18cm.
AD206 VS AD207
Furthemore, AD206's lens and AD207's lens are different. The lens of AD207 is smaller than AD206. But AD207's object distance is higher than the one of AD206.

As mentioned above, AD206 digital microscope and AD207 share something in common, but they have also differences and each has its own characteristics and advantages. It's difficult to conclude which one is the better. Customers can decide to buy one according to the needs and the requirements.

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1 comentario

Amigão, eu tenho um AD206 e percebi que, embora ela venha sem bateria, existe um local na carcaça dele que é possível encaixar uma bateria 18650 e na placa existem dois polos disponíveis para solda com a sinalização indicando um positivo e o outro negativo. Tentei fazer o procedimento soldando os fios e coloquei os contatos para bateria na carcaça. O microscópio até que ligou, mas ficou piscando. Será que tem a ver com a tensão da bateria que estava em 3,8v ou realmente este modelo não permite a instalação de baterias?

Marcelo Aleluia

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